Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Easter 2015 activities

I can't believe it's so long since I posted here! What happened to 2014?

We've had another year of happy guests, the odd urgent request -- often about the broadband dropping, which we couldn't do anything about -- and a couple of visits of our own. Sadly the sea defences continue to be eroded and the car park at the end of the road to the beach is just a memory, but the birds are still on the marsh and it's just as peaceful down Purdy's Drift as it ever was -- one of my favourite places.

Maintenance is an ongoing activity. I always get stuck into some work when I'm at Gannets. Last year I put a light with PIR detector over the back of the garage so that when you want to get into the garage at night you're not in pitch blackness any more. There is so little light pollution on the North Norfolk coast that it really is pitch black! I also refurbished the guttering as promised in an earlier post. We've continued to work on the patch at the bottom of the garden, slowly turning what had become a very overgrown vegetable patch into more lawn. We've had some great bonfires :). And I pruned the 3 apple trees again.

The house below ours, Greenacres, changed hands a year or so ago and we were concerned that the new owner might decide to knock it down to build several houses in its substantial garden. This would have blocked our precious view of the sea. Fortunately he decided instead to renovate the house and tidy the garden. This week we were delighted to see that he's removed further bushes and also at least 2 of the overgrown fir trees. We now have a better view of the sea from the kitchen window than before, which is wonderful.

This week we've done a few more things. The PIR floodlight in the garage had stopped working so I replaced it with an LED one. It's just as bright but only 50W instead of 250W so I'm pleased with that.

In the bathroom the work to replace the wood panelling has continued. This week I've tiled the side of the bath. The wood had gone rotten in places as a result of some leaks around the shower screen. The new tiles look much neater. I plan to replace the remainder of the wood, behind the basin and WC, later this year once we've decided whether to keep the existing WC or take the opportunity to get a back-to-wall pan and concealed cistern. What do you think?

Judith has repainted the main bedroom this week. It's now a wonderful eau-de-Nil shade called Ocean Ripple by Dulux. I think it looks great and hope you do too. She's also made the front garden look lovely again and amongst many things in the back garden she has potted out some flowers in the planter on the patio. Jonathan Wright continues to cut the grass regularly so the garden is in great condition for holiday relaxation or games. Don't forget to put up the hammock between the 2 trees for a really peaceful siesta!

I should also mention a very exciting development. We now have Infinity broadband! I found out by accident that it has become available in Salthouse and immediately ordered it. Now, instead of 1.2Mbps if we're lucky we have over 30Mbps! I hope this will make a big difference to your holiday browsing experiences -- and make it easier to pick up your work emails while you're away :).

As always, if you have any comments on Gannets, thoughts for what you'd like to see more or less of, or anything else, please do get in touch. We're always pleased to hear from our past, present and future guests. We love sharing our house and seeing the contented comments in the visitors' book, and hope to continue making Gannets available for many years to come.

1 comment:


    Is it possible to be saved without having your sins forgiven? Was Saul saved by faith alone before his sins were forgiven?

    If Saul was saved on the road to Damascus, then he was saved without having his sins forgiven.

    Saul believed in Jesus on the road Damascus, but his sins were forgiven three days later in Damascus
    Act 9:1-19......9 And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank....

    Saul sins were forgiven in Damascus, three days later, not on the road to Damascus.
    Acts 22:1-16.....10 And I said, 'What shall I do Lord?' And the Lord said to me, 'Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told of all that has been appointed for you to do.'.......16 Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins,calling on His name!

    Saul was not saved by faith only. Saul was saved by believing and being baptized in water.

    Jesus did not establish faith only salvation on the road to Damascus. Jesus confirmed what He already had said "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved"... (Mark 16:16)

    You cannot be saved unless your sins have been forgiven.

    In order to support the doctrine of faith only men have offered many reasons why the Scriptures cannot be trusted.
    1. The Bible is not the inerrant word of God, it has many errors and contradictions.
    2. You have to be a Greek scholar to understand the Bible. If you understand the original Greek language, then you would know water baptism is not essential for forgiveness of sins.
    3. You need to use extra-Biblical writings to understand the plan of salvation.
    4. The Bible has been mistranslated, therefore men are saved by faith only and not the way it is presented in the Bible.

    If God is not smart enough to give men an accurate translation of His plan for salvation and Christian living, then why would anyone trust in Him for salvation or for anything else.

    God has given us His plan of salvation in many translations, in different languages. You do not have to know Greek.You do not have to have a Greek dictionary. You do have to be Greek. If men had to be able to read and understand original Greek to understand the Bible, then all Bibles would be in Greek.


    Men are not saved by faith only and there is no verse of Scripture that states men are saved by faith only. Men are saved by faith, but not by faith only.

